In every business, whether
it’s manufacturing a product, providing a service or retailing to consumers,
those who are successful in making sales share some fundamental
characteristics. They all have a
well-planned marketing strategy featuring qualified prospects, a detailed
product (or service) profile that highlights the product (or service) features,
and a clear definition of the benefits of a purchase.
The same can be applied to
selling a business. But when it comes to selling your company, you also have to
factor in the personalities and motivations of both the buyer and seller. To
ensure you sell for the best price to the right buyers in a timely fashion,
employ these five additional strategies:
Ask a reasonable price. Too often, inflated prices discourage potential buyers from giving the
business any serious consideration.
In my experience, sellers who
inflate the asking price in an attempt to create some “wiggle” room will find
that buyers don’t give these businesses a second look. If they do, they are
savvy enough to tilt the discussion in their favour, and negotiate lower prices
because the lack of buyer activity makes sellers more anxious to discount the
A good litmus test is to
honestly ask yourself if you would buy your business at the price and terms
you’re offering. If the answer is no,
you need to reconsider.
Focus on day-to-day operations. Continuing to operate the business as you
always have is critical throughout the selling process.
You don’t know when a buyer
will materialize, so the business’s financial performance needs to remain
strong. When a buyer does come forward, it will be important to both parties
that the business is moving in the right direction before and after the closing
Those who let their firm’s performance
slide should expect buyers to view the most recent performance as the most
reliable indication of present value and future success.
Maintain confidentiality. By interviewing and requiring all prospective buyers to sign a
non-disclosure agreement binding them to complete confidentiality, all parties
can comfortably communicate without impacting the business.
What would happen to sales if
customers feared a pending sale might result in product delays or a change to
product lines or services provided? Picture the performance of staff who worry
that a pending sale will result in layoffs. What if your competitors found out
and leveraged that information to steal market share, staff or suppliers?
By maintaining
confidentiality, sellers will protect their current operation and be better
able to transition a business that can appropriately plan and communicate the
transfer of leadership to customers, staff, suppliers and competitors.
Negotiate, but don’t dominate. Business owners are used to getting their own way, but for a
successful transaction all parties need to find common ground.
If you attempt to rule the
negotiation, you’ll unwittingly stifle buyer motivation—a critical ingredient
to overcoming the inevitable sale-process hurdles. Buyers who feel they can
work with the seller are more likely to navigate the bumps in the road.
When both parties focus on
the issues that are important to them rather than details that are not
critical, they find themselves more satisfied with the results. They are more
likely to work in concert with each other and less likely to throw in the towel
at the first sign of adversity.
Keep the process moving forward. One of the easiest ways to keep the deal going is to establish
timelines and meet them.
Few things kill deals like
undue delays, which frustrate the process, slow enthusiasm and allow doubt to
creep into the minds of buyers. Sellers forget that buying a business is risky.
When a buyer has narrowed his or her options to your business, maintaining the
buyer’s interest is imperative—once it’s lost, it’s impossible to get back.
This does not mean rushing through the process. What’s important is to be open
about the expectations and timelines, responsive to questions and willing to
make the investigation and negotiations a priority.
Selling a business is not
easy. The emotional tie you have to your business can make you do irrational
things. The best way to prevent that is to remain objective and avoid the
potholes along the way to realize your desired result.
Do you have a small business question
you would like answered about this article or others?
Bill Sivell is a salesperson with VR
Windsor Inc. [www.vrwindsor.com]
519-903-7807, which sells businesses to buyers across Canada and around the
world. His 14-year career includes diverse senior management positions in
marketing, advertising, sales management and operations management. His blog
appears every Tuesday.
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