businesses are in greater demand than others. This means they’ll sell quicker
and the Seller will receive a good price for the sale. Other, less desirable businesses will not
sell, or when they are sold will sell for less than the owner expected. There are many factors that impact the sale
and value of a business; many are obvious such as cash flows, demand for
product/service line, proprietary product or technology. Another not so obvious, but equally impactful
is the role of the exiting owner.
Business owners who do not delegate need to make a strong effort to have
experienced people in place before they ever try to sell their companies.
takes time, effort, and in most cases an investment of money to get it
right. And if you are nodding your head
in agreement, these are the same reasons why buyers see additional risk with
businesses with too much owner involvement.
Start by doing
the following:
up to 3 Key Objectives you have for your business in the next 3 to 5 years.
o i.e. double sales, open in a new
market, add a new product or service line etc.
the 5 to 10 Strategies that will need to be implemented to achieve your
o i.e. add to the sales team, improve
customer satisfaction surveys, new product research, etc..
the 10 to 15 Performance Standards that will keep you focused on your
Strategies. They need to be measurable,
with time lines, and you must hold yourself accountable to your performance.
o i.e. monthly sales training,
inventory turn rates, margins, etc
Now look at
what you’re doing over the next 2-4 weeks.
Literally write down every task, every job, every email and phone call
you make. Record the time and purpose of
the task.
complete, compare what you have been doing and what you need to do to achieve
your Key Objectives. You’re likely to
find things that align and things that do not.
Now the
hard part. Take all the tasks and
responsibilities that do not align with your Key Objectives and look at the
people you currently employ (or perhaps outsiders) for help. Implementing a
strategy to delegate will likely be hard at the beginning. You’ll need to continually remind yourself of
your Key Objectives and why you are forcing yourself away from doing
everything. Plus, you’ll need to coach,
guide and mentor those who are taking on the new responsibilities. It will take time, effort and in most cases
an investment of money to get it right.
But you will, and you’ll thank yourself in the end!
Do you have a small business question
you would like answered about this article or others?
Bill Sivell is a salesperson with VR
Windsor Inc. [www.vrwindsor.com]
519-903-7807, which sells businesses to buyers across Canada and around the
world. His 14-year career includes diverse senior management positions in
marketing, advertising, sales management and operations management. His blog
appears every Tuesday.
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