purchasing an existing business you can dramatically increase your chances of
success. Existing businesses have a
proven track record of profits, they may have a well-known brand, name,
location, product mix, etc., and an established customer base for immediate
cash flow.
If you
are considering a decision is to buy a business you will need
to take an honest inventory of their
skills, knowledge and interests. You need to truthfully catalogue skills and
talents that can be incorporated into a business.
Plus, you will need to know how much money you are prepared to invest
and how much you expect to make. Typically, these two amounts are directly
related to one another.
Part of this exercise is getting a solid understanding of your credit score.
Whether your eventual purchase includes all cash, Vendor financing or Third
Party financing your credit report will inevitably be requested. Knowing ahead
of time the information is accurate can make or break a business transaction.
A recent article in the Windsor Star by Ellen Van Wageningen http://www.windsorstar.com/Check+your+money+report+before+others/8073031/story.html
some great insight and information to consider before you buy a business.
At this point, don’t be too concerned if you’re unable to identify
exactly what type of business you’re looking for. The more focused and
realistic you are in your personal review, the more attentive you can be in
identifying attractive business opportunities and eliminating businesses you’re
not interested in.
Having a plan for executing a successful business transfer will help you stay on track, allow you to dedicate the time and energy necessary, and get you a successful business that is ideal for you.
Do you have a small business question you would like answered about this article or others?
Bill Sivell is a salesperson with VR Windsor Inc. [www.vrwindsor.com] 519-903-7807, which sells businesses to buyers across Canada and around the world. His 14-year career includes diverse senior management positions in marketing, advertising, sales management and operations management. His blog appears every Tuesday.
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