You’re not alone, minimizing tax liability is a strategy all business
owners think about.
When it comes time to obtain financing or sell the business, buried
personal expenses and assets can create a problem in determining the true cash
Consider a recent seller who watched as countless qualified buyers
walked away from their interest into his business when they discovered personal
Brazilian courier expenses in his local retail hardware store.
Imagine how suspicious buyers became when they discovered a large local
printer described her many Meals and Entertainment Expenses as personal in
nature despite playing a large front-line role in the sales of the corporation.
Buyers and bankers won’t always give credit to many of these items. As
a result, the cash flow can be suspect, and when you apply a multiplier to
determine the value of the business, the results can be disappointing.
Plus, the underlying credibility of the seller may be jeopardized
which can derail an agreement with a buyer before the train ever leaves the
Do you have a small business question
you would like answered about this article or others?
Bill Sivell is a salesperson with VR
Windsor Inc. [www.vrwindsor.com]
519-903-7807, which sells businesses to buyers across Canada and around the
world. His 14-year career includes diverse senior management positions in
marketing, advertising, sales management and operations management. His blog
appears every Tuesday.
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